The Magic of Thanksgiving


I am fairly new to celebrating Thanksgiving in the United States, but I feel like this celebration has been part of me forever. I am amazed and impressed by this Holiday that unites millions of families specifically to celebrate family and give thanks for everything. The history behind the Thanksgiving Holiday, when the first Pilgrims from Europe came to North America and the Native Americans shared food and gave thanks for their harvest, makes it even more special. Also, during this Holiday, people like to give thanks for everything they have by appreciating the big and small things in life. You can feel the energy and magic that people feel on Thanksgiving Day. A very special celebration!!

Staying healthy in cold weather – what has worked for my family

Farmer's Almanac.

Winter is around the corner and the very cold weather is here to stay, so my kids and I are starting to take the necessary steps to try our best to stay healthy and flu-free during these cold times. Here are a few things that I have done to prevent the usual illness caused by the cold weather:

  1. Take a multivitamin and try to eat a balanced diet rich in fruit (specifically vitamin c) and vegetables
  2. Drink plenty of water – If you do not like plain water, you can always flavor the water with a slice of lemon or other fruit, but try to drink plenty of liquids
  3. Dress very warm – Even if that means that you have to be covered from head to toe
  4. As soon as one of us feels the first symptoms of a cold or flu, we start taking a couple of alternative supplements that are usually available in most natural food grocery stores (always check with your doctor before taking any medications or supplements) –

– Oscillococcinum:

– Sambucus:

– Airborne:

  1. Stay active – This can be hard, especially when it is too cold to be outside, but just walking indoors at a mall or running around the house playing hide and seek with the kids helps.
  2. Wash your hands as soon as you arrive home.

What about you? What do you do to stay healthy?

En Español

Como mantenerse sano con la familia cuando el clima está muy frio

El invierno esta a la vuelta de la esquina y las temperaturas muy frías están aquí para quedarse, y mis hijos y yo estamos tomando los pasos necesarios para mantenernos saludables y sin resfríos.  Los siguientes puntos son los que he seguido y me han funcionado bastante:

  1. Toma tus vitaminas y mantén una dieta rica en frutas (especialmente en vitamina c) y vegetales
  2. Toma agua, mucha agua – Si a ti no te gusta mucho el agua sin saborcito, agrégale un poquito de jugo para darle más sabor.
  3. Abrígate bastante – Aunque signifique que tengas que estar arropada desde los pies hasta la cabeza:)
  4. En cuanto sientas los primeros síntomas de un resfrio, empieza a tomar medicinas naturales / alternativas que están disponibles en las tiendas de productos organicos y naturales (siempre pregúntale a tu doctor antes de tomarlas):

– Oscillococcinum:

– Sambucus:

– Airborne:

  1. Mantente activo – Trata de hacer ejercicio para mantenerte saludable físicamente y mentalmente
  2. Lávate tus manos y la de tus nenes regularmente

Y tu que haces? Que te funciona para mantenerte a ti y tu familia sana durante el invierno?

Children and Self-Esteem


How do we help develop healthy self-esteem in our children? I am still trying to figure it out, but many books advise trying the following:

  1. Pay attention to what you tell your child – Ask yourself: Am I really encouraging them? Also, praise your child not only for a good job, but for the average one as well.
  2. Be a role model – Try to be positive and encourage good behaviors and habits.
  3. Clarify any assumptions your kid may make about him or herself. In other words, help them understand that they don’t need to be perfect, and don’t allow them to be condescending to themselves.
  4. Try to be loving, caring, and patient with your child.
  5. Organize healthy activities that help your child realize his or her potential (i.e. sports, art classes, music lessons, etc.).
  6. Pay attention to their behavior and act accordingly to address any issues (bullying, etc.)
  7. Try to be their friend and not only an authority figure.

What do you do? I have so much to learn…Please share your thoughts:)